I'll be on vacation starting tomorrow, and I'll be back around July 4th. Blogging will be a little scarce on the ground. I'll be in London with a laptop, but I certainly don't want to be stressing out about composing posts and finding wi-fi access while I'm on vacation. I expect to check email, but replies may be delayed.
I've got some more short fiction posts scheduled, but let's just say we won't be finishing all the June magazines in June. C'est la vie. At least I managed to finish one extra thing before I turned my attention to packing: SFSignal posted my review of Marie Brennan's excellent faery story-cum-secret history Midnight Never Come.
In the meantime, the awesome picture over here (the 2007 Hugo award statue) is meant to remind y'all: The deadline to vote for the 2008 Hugos is July 7th! You can find the list of nominees over here, and you can vote online here. Don't worry if you haven't read everything on the ballot, just vote. I'm probably going to end up having read only 3/5 of the novel nominees, 4/5 if I'm lucky. The only category where I've gotten to everything so far is Best Novelette.
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