So there we were in the audience of a panel that started at 10pm. We were already a little less than perfectly sober, and my husband and I started playing 'Panel Bingo.' I tweeted some snippet, and a couple folks said they'd like to see that for realz. I couldn't believe that it didn't already exist, but a cursory Google search didn't bring up anything quite like what I had in mind. So here is what I've got so far. As you can see, there are still empty spaces--please help fill them! We've all been there, we've all got various panel pet peeves--here's the place to share. Thanks!
If the image isn't coming through well on your browser, here's what I've got so far:
- [Center] "This is less of a question, more of a comment"
- "Well, actually..."
- "...Therefore..."
- Audience member with more expertise than panelists
- Knitting
- Ranting Audience member
- Author with fort made from own books
- Ranting Panelist
- Shameless name-dropping
- Question that takes more than 1 minute to ask
- Panelist interrupting other panelist
- "I don't know why I'm on this panel..."
- Author answering question with reference to own books
- Totally unqualified panelist
- "I'd like to ask the panelists to introduce themselves..."
- Audience member who thinks they have more expertise than the panelists
- ???
How about
-- moderator who thinks they're a panelist?
-- panel totally ignores the ostensible topic
Oh! Oh! Nic reminds me that you should totally have "Moderator calls up friend from the audience who has written a song relevant to the topic."
Actually, the general form "audience member invited to join the panel" might be worth having.
I like the first two, although the 'panel ignores topic' could get blended with Graham's "Spending >50% of the panel attacking the description."
Might split the next one into "Audience member invited to join panel" and "Filking in any non-filk panel."
Curtis has reminded me of "...so-called..." and I might add "Panelists outnumber audience members" in a corner somewhere.
Too. Much. Fun. Here are a few more:
- Panelists (in panels of 3+) are all white men
- A panelist is late or absent
- Audience member with unmuted phone
- Margaret Atwood is mocked (for her stance on SF -- includes implicit references to "talking squid in outer space")
- Audience member launches into long recounting of Tolkien minutiae to refute panel statements
Matt-Excellent additions! I'm inspired to add:
Average age of panel is > 50 years old.
I'll put up a new version soon.
that is hilarious! and brilliant!
so, did you get a bingo while sitting through the panel? and were you sober enough to not jump up and scream "BINGO!"?
redhead - Thanks! I pretty sure we did get a Bingo (and with Matt's addition about Tolkein minutia we'd have definitely made it). Luckily, I was sober enough to tweet instead of shout. ;-)
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