You are now reading the blog of an official (if probationary) Editorial Assistant at the award-nomination-generating Fiction Department of Strange Horizons! Yay, go me! I am very grateful to the current team for giving me this opportunity, and I'm looking forward to getting started with it.
If you look over my current list of activities--getting a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering, writing book reviews for several outlets, writing a paper for ICFA 2009, designing a research project for ICFA 2010, keeping my house in some semblance of order, and trying to read and review all the fiction short stories from Analog, Asimov's, F&SF, Interzone and Baen's Universe--fitting in being an Editorial Assistant means something will have to go. Given that my SH work will revolve around short stories, my short-story reading habits are at the top of that list. So 2008 will possibly be the last year in which I'll be a truly informed Hugo award short story nominator; it's a sacrifice I'll just have to live with. Being able to help out future award-winners is much, much cooler. I'll try to finish out the 2008 issues, even if it takes to Feb. 2009, but that will likely be it for short fiction reviews around here.
I do have a favor to ask of those of you who read this. Given my new position, I'm tempted to finally apply for membership in SFWA (as an affiliate). My understanding is that my review work for SH qualified me before, but now it seems more official. For affiliate members they require you to list three SFWA members who would be willing to vouch for you (in lieu of requiring story sales). I'm willing to bet that I can wrangle up three people to say nice things about me, but I don't know which of my friends are SFWA members. Help! If you are, or know someone who is and knows me but doesn't read this blog, could you drop me a line via email or comments? Thanks! I'm planning on securing my status as a unique little snowflake by possibly being one of the only people with memberships in IAFA, SFWA and IEEE--if you know anyone else doing this, for the love of ghod don't tell me!
Being an affiliate member of SFWA is pretty much worthless. They take your money and give you nothing but contempt in return. I got in, but I quickly realized that I was wasting my money and didn't renew.
Cheryl - I have to admit, I've heard that from other people as well. However, I have decided that I can afford to shell out the $55 to learn that particular life-lesson for myself.
Probably I'll come to the same conclusion, but maybe not. I'll pay my money and take my chances... at least once.
A very big congratulations! You are very deserving. I'll bet Irene Gallo or someone else at Tor knows some members.
Congratulations, Karen!
Congrats and all the best, Karen.
Congratulations, Karen. I look forward to reading your now-professional comments! *grins*
Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone!
Mark--Well, just look at the title of the post. I am 133+ now!
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