Saturday, March 13, 2010

RoboNaut Video

I got the opportunity to help with some power testing on NASA's new robot project. Here they put him through his check-out Tai Chi routine. They do a good job of anthropomorphizing him by having him look at his hands as he's checking out his fingers. By the way, he is technically anthropometric: When he stretches his arms out he's got the same wingspan as Yao Ming (Houston Rockets basketball player) and biceps proportional to Arnold Schwartzenegger in his prime.

I <3 my job.


Terry Weyna said...

You have a truly awesome job! Congrats on all the great work.

KiplingKat said...

Sweeeet. You love your job with good reason. Congrats.

Karen Burnham said...

Thanks guys! To be fair, most of my time with Robonaut was spent sitting and waiting for various things. And we made *all* the requisite "Welcome our new robot overlord" jokes. But at least I get nifty bragging rights!